Tag Archives: Bohdan Poraj

The Musketeers, A Good Traitor. Series Two, Episode Three. Television Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Tom Burke, Santiago Cabrera, Howard Charles, Luke Pasqualino, Ryan Gage, Alexandra Dowling, Marc Warren, Hugo Speer, Colin Salmon, Tamla Kari, Maime McCoy, Finbar Lynch, Bohdan Poraj, Oliver Rix, Charlotte Salt, Ed Stoppard, Antonia Thomas, Celeste Dodwell, Will Keen.


The questions of race, equality and loyalty and how they are observed in Europe’s chaotic and often brutal past comes into play in the latest episode of The Musketeers, The Good Traitor and it is one that doesn’t skirt the issue in a time when religious fervour is perhaps mirrored in today’s society.

The Musketeers, Keep Your Friends Close. Series Two, Television Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Cast: Tom Burke, Santiago Cabrera, Howard Charles, Luke Pasqualino, Alexandra Dowling, Ryan Gage, Marc Warren, Tamla Kari, Hugo Speer, Dominic Mafham, Mark Carter, John Harding, Anthony Houghton, Will Keen, Olivia Llewellyn, Andy Lucas, Richard Mulholland, Hugo Nicholau, Peter Pacey, Bohdan Poraj, Oliver Rix, Mateo Rufino, Charlotte Salt.


The safety of France is at stake and yet somehow it is The Musketeers that have placed it in danger by rescuing a man from a lynch mob. It is the sort of opening to a new series of hugely successful adventure series The Musketeers that feels as good as it possible to be.