Tag Archives: Black Sabbath

Black Sabbath, 13. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

At one point, you can almost catch yourself thinking, and with the greatest of respect to the legend and dearly missed Ronni James Dio, why oh why did Black Sabbath ever fracture and tear themselves apart? The answer quickly springs to mind and you are left lamenting what could have been during that period but like all good tales of good and evil, of heroes and villains, the Black Sabbath story is not finished yet as their stunning new album 13 will attest.

Napalm Death, Utilitarian. Album Review.

Originally published by L.S. Media March 29th 2012.

L.S. Media Rating ****

There’s a reason why some areas of the U.K. seem to be able to become entrenched with producing one genre of music with more frequency than others. Sometimes it’s just the nature of the area, the background and social history to the city that produces the music. Liverpool is defined in parts by the Beatles and the sailors who bought the music from America with them after World War Two. The dreaming spires and University colleges of Cambridge will have Pink Floyd forever stamped upon the roads and parks and be considered as one of the natural homes of Progressive Rock.

Black Sabbath, Download 2012 Review. Donington.

Originally published on L.S. Media. June 12th 2012.

L.S. Media Rating *****

The very name opens doors, it struck horror into a generation still coping with the horrors of World War Two and the four men behind the band have been lauded ever since for bringing heavy metal to the world.