Tag Archives: Bernard Allison

Bernard Allison, Highs & Lows. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

We pay homage to those who came before us in more ways than we might ever consider. Such is the relationship between past and present that at points in our ever-extending repertoire we revert, perhaps fleetingly, but always with grace in our choices, to that which influenced us in our formative years.

Bernard Allison, Songs From The Road. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Philosophy and temperament are normally passed down from one generation to the next, with a sprinkling of learning from others in between and yet we can see with almost perfect precision the depth of knowledge and wisdom gleaned by Bernard Allison from his much-missed father, Luther. It is arguably the easiest philosophy to grasp, that of leaving the ego at the door, and by doing so you embrace humility, a modesty that money cannot influence, and that pride cannot shatter.