Tag Archives: Arthur Darvill

Broadchurch, Television Review. I.T.V.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * *

Cast: David Tennant, Olivia Coleman, Andrew Buchan, Jodie Whittaker, Tracy Childs, Will Mellor, Arthur Darvill, David Bradley, Jonathon Bailey, Vicky McClure, Charlotte Beaumont, Joe Simms, Carolyn Pickles, Pauline Quirke.

I.T.V. may have lost D.I. Lewis but in the great tradition that the station has in unearthing the next generation of police who have the unenviable task of solving murders, all they have to do is move the drama to the next port of call and instantly those television that enjoy playing amateur detective get a brand new man or woman to cheer on and fall for. Following on from Morse, Frost and Lewis, viewers now have the recognisable face and familiar Scottish drawl of David Tennant as Detective Inspector Alec Hardy in the programme Broadchurch.

Doctor Who, The Angels Take Manhattan. Television Review.

Picture from the B.B.C.

Liverpool Sound And Vision Rating *****

Cast: Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill, Alex Kingston, Mike McShane, Rob David, Ozzie Yue, Bentley Kalu.

The hype surrounding the final episode of the mini-like series of the seventh new outing of Doctor Who has had the plethora of fan sites working themselves into frenzy since it was announced that one of the best companions, the red-haired and forthright Amy Pond, was going to leave at some point during the current season. The reason is simple, not every-one leaves the Tardis in good circumstances; sometimes they don’t come back at all.

Doctor Who, A Town Called Mercy. Television Review.

Pcture from RadioTimes.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating *****

Cast: Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill, Ben Browder, Adrian Scarborough, Dominic Kemp, Rob Cavazos, Joanne McQuinn, Andrew Brooks, Garrick Hogan, Byrd Wilkins, Sean Benedict.

Time is running short for Amy Pond/Williams and her husband Rory, there is a reckoning coming and it seems that time for the Doctor is fraught with perceived future knowledge of Amy’s demise and this knowledge is changing the Doctor in ways not really seen in on television.

Doctor Who, Dinosaurs On A Spaceship. B.B.C. Television, Review.

Cast: Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill, Mark Williams, Rupert Graves, Riann Steele, David Bradley, Sunetra Sarkur, David Mitchell, Robert Webb.

Liverpool Sound And Vision Rating ****

Cruelty, genocide and wading knee deep in Ankylosaurus and vicious raptors, just your average job for the Doctor but just that little bit beyond the ordinary for viewers of series seven of Doctor Who.

Doctor Who, Asylum Of The Daleks. B.B.C. Television, Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating *****

Cast: Matt Smith, Karen Gillian, Arthur Darvill, Jenna-Louise Coleman, Anamaria Marinca, David Gyasi, Naomi Ryan, Nicholas Briggs, Barnaby Edwards, Zac Fox.


It is the stuff that legends are made out of and then there is Doctor Who. The nights are beginning to draw in and what better way for the B.B.C. to showcase the autumn schedules than by the re-materialising of the blue box, two of the great companions of the modern and any era, the Doctor and an introduction to a new companion that might just be the best since Janet Fielding as the Australian flight attendant Tegan Jovanka.