Doctor Who: Joy To The World. Television Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Ncuto Gatwa, Nicola Coughlan, Joel Fry, Steph de Whalley, Jonathan Aris, Julia Watson, Peter Benedict, Niamh Marie Smith, Phil Baxter, Samuel Sherpa-Moore, Ruchi Rai, Joshua Leese, Ell Potter, Liam Prince-Donnelly, Fiona Marr, Millie Gibson.

Rarely does one character outshine The Doctor, or even the companion, on screen or across the various outlets of the tales of Doctor Who, especially in the Christmas offering to which is often intended to add a little pleasure to a day wrapped up in a modern dystopia of its own making.

Doctor Who: The War Games. (2024). Television Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Patrick Troughton, Fraser Hines, Wendy Padbury, David Saville, Jane Sherwin, Noel Coleman, Richard Steele, Terence Bayler, Hubert Rees, David Valla, Esmond Webb, Brian Forster, Pat Gorman, Peter Stanton, David Garfield, Gregg Palmer, Philip Madoc, Edward Brayshaw, Bill Hutchinson, Bernard Horsfall, James Vree, Vernon Dobtcheff.

With a huge pool of stories in which to choose from, it is perhaps fitting that the second serial to find itself being scrutinised and digitally coloured after the offering for Doctor Who’s 60th anniversary of The Daleks, should be the lengthy ten-part story of The War Games.

Wallace And Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl. Television Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * *

Cast: Ben Whitehead, Peter Kay, Lauren Patel, Reece Shearsmith, Diane Morgan, Adjoa Andoh, Muzz Khan, Lenny Henry, Victoria Elliott, John Sparkes, Jon Glover, Bethan Mary-James, Maya Sondhi, Tom Doggart, Richard Beek, Merlin Crossingham, David Holt, Lizzie Waterworth, Adrian Rhodes, Roman Kemp.

Philip Palmer: Precious Blood. Audio Drama Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Owen Teale, Oliver Ryan, Richard Corgan, Elen Rhys, Pooky Quesnel, Amy Morgan, Sian Rees-Williams.

It is an inalienable fact of life that there are people in this world to whom they believe the sun revolves around them, but who are so toxic, certainly narcissistic, enough to ensure that their actions not only elevate themselves in the eyes of their neighbours and fellow townsfolk, but are assured enough in their desires to make sure that their offspring are denigrated, caused undue suffering, and in the end could pay for their parent’s deceptions with their own lives.

A Woman Of Stone. Television Drama Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Eanna Hardwicke, Celia Imrie, Monica Dolan, Mawaan Rizwan, Pheobe Horn.

Drawing inspiration from E. Nesbit’s Man-Size In Marble, Mark Gatiss’ now traditional drawing back of the veil that separates the darkness of the night to that of the enlightenment and spirituality of the Christmas gathering, has once more offered a distinct look for the viewer of what lays hidden in the shadows of our mind, the shortness of breath that hangs icily in the air as we sense the apparition and the shade as they enter our realm and bring together the possibility of a death by nefarious means to our world.

D.E. McCluskey: Reboot – A Cosmic Horror. Book Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

How we view the Horror genre is perhaps an insight into our own imagination; like many offerings of art from the individual or group that may disturb the peace of one, it can offer in another the release of vision, and in the case of that which brought to the attention the minds of Stephen King, Lovecraft, Poe, and Anne Rice to the public arena, and by doing so reveals a truth of humanity when pushed to the extreme. Imagination, it should be argued is the ability to reckon with the impossible and see it as a reality, that horror is a fact we should not hide from, no matter the subject, no matter the intent.

The Witch. (2024). Film Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 5/10

Cast: Russell Shaw, Ryan Spong, Sarah Alexandra Marks, Fabrizio Santino, Mims Burton, Nick Tuck, Nell Bailey, Ritchi Edwards, Hazel Fell, Jane Hamlet, Danny Howard, Arpen Kapadia, Livvy Nicolae, Anto Sharp, Ella Starbuck.

Like many stock-in trade characters or tropes, the notion of the witch has become one that has become over-used and to little or no effect of portraying something new, revealing little even of the origins or the disciplines of the women who practise such machinations of the spirit world.

I.S.S. Film Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Ariana DeBose, Chris Messina, John Gallagher Jr., Masha Mashkova, Costa Ronin, Pilou Asbæk.

Even if there were just two people left on Earth, they would find a way to carry on a war that destroyed all other life in the name of patriotism, nationalism, and self-interest.

Dalgliesh: Devices And Desires. Television Drama Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Bertie Carvel, Carlyss Peer, Liz White, Adam James, Nancy Carroll, Lloyd Hutchinson, Catriona McFeely, Claire Goose, Kealan McCallister, Georgina Beedle, Chris Patrick-Simpson, David Pearse, Robert Lonsdale, Elizabeth Connick, Bradley Hall, Richard McFerran, Patrick FitzSymons, Will Close, Robert Wilfort, Matty Loane.

Whilst there are more novels from the illustrious P.D. James to uncover and place before the armchair detective in television form, it is perhaps fitting that the final story to be told across the three series of Dalgliesh is that of Devices and Desires.

Nicole Hale: Some Kind Of Longing. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Some Kind Of Longing, a world perhaps that we have lost focus of, one of vibrancy, of joie de vivre, or perhaps of just plain honesty, however we view that sense of aching realisation that natural forces once experienced by humanity have become a narrower option for us to enjoy and reconcile us with each other, some kind of longing, a kind of mystery we need to explore within before we find ourselves emotionally, physically on a one way track leading to oblivion.