Category Archives: Theatre

Daniel, Theatre Review. Zoo, Edinburgh Fringe 2016.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * *

Cast: Immie Davies, Matilda Reith, Jack Solloway, Isaac Whiting.

Art, as the most profound suggest, should always comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable, it is only in challenging any set down convention that we grow as a society and whilst there are subjects in which it is impossible not to feel any type of revulsion, that don’t just make the stomach want to heave slightly at the thought, sometimes, and quite rightly, we should and must find ourselves listening to a slightly different view. It is only in that we can question and probe our own psychology deeper and our understanding of the world, especially those in which commit the heinous act and those who scream vitriol and abuse as if appointed judge of all.

Finders Keepers, Theatre Review. Zoo, Edinburgh Festival 2016.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Jo Sargeant, Claire-Louise English.

When an abandoned baby comes into their lives, the daughter and father team that live inside the ruins of a junk yard are given a chance to nurture and care for something other than where life has treated them with disrespect and the cold shoulder of indifference by their fellow man.

Scorched, Theatre Review. Zoo Southside, Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2016.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Robin Berry.

It is to be argued that it is only time that moves on, that human affairs and endeavours never seem to get beyond a point where the same battles are being waged, over the same land, over the same intolerable points. For the people of North Africa, for those behind the Middle East veil, the sands may shift with the wind but the human propensity for war is always very firmly entrenched in the damned and the destructive.

Echoes, Theatre Review. Zoo, Edinburgh Festival 2016.


Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Cast: Luke Barton, Jill Rutland.

Behind locked doors nobody knows what horrors a family can be put through, what nightmares one family member can wreck upon another; it is the last vestige of unexplored horror because nobody quite knows how to deal with it when it might be apparent but nobody reports it.

Ash, Theatre Review. Zoo, Edinburgh Festival, 2016.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Hamish Adams-Cairns, Lisa Marie Berg, Roxanne Browne, Alice Devlin, Harry Kearton, Paul Tonkin.

You were never alone with a Strand cigarette, smoking Marlborough suggested that you were ready for adventure, Camel that there was a touch of the old colonial lurking in you and as for Players or Capstone full strength, that touch of a small cough that came along with the birds singing the dawn chorus was arguably only ever really to be expected. Smoking is bad for you of that there can be no doubt but millions round the world still enjoy the taste of the habit and the sight of the grey Ash that collects in any make do ashtray.

Generation Zero, Theatre Review. Zoo Southside, Edinburgh Festival 2016.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Jordan Turk, Francesca Dolan.

The initial joy of the Edinburgh Fringe is never truly lost, it always manages to find a way to sparkle anew each time a visitor finds themselves on the path to potential desire and the world of fluttering, butterfly-like dreams. The Edinburgh Fringe is such that it creates writing heroes from out of nowhere and the first-timer, the one who takes a chance on a play that they have undertaken and is rewarded by gentleness and spirit, is the one to be applauded with stout resolution.

Moonface, Theatre Review. Zoo Southside, Edinburgh Festival 2016.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Molly McGeachin, Lucy Managan, Grace Church.

Life is not predictable, you are not able to look into a crystal ball and gaze with wonder at what will be, the children you will have, the career you will end up in, the friends you will fall in love with and those that will stay the course forever.

Life is a series of accidents that somehow manage to form together a relationship with Time and it is Time that plays with the minds of three women in the superb Edinburgh Fringe show at Zoo Southside, Moonface.

Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppets Do Shakespeare, Theatre Review. Gilded Balloon, Edinburgh Fringe 2016.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

A star of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, a riot of respectful impertinence and one of the ultimate must see’s of the entire month of August, never mind that rare glimpse of sunshine that has long gone past or in Olympic year the sight of carnivals in exotic cities, the real draw is in watching Kev F. Sutherland’s brilliant creation, Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppets Do Shakespeare.

Patrick Monahan: That 80s Show, Comedy Review, The Gilded Balloon, Edinburgh Festival 2016.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

It was the decade of big hair, of shoulder pads and Dynasty, of power dressing, Dallas and sweat bands, the 80s may have been responsible for many ills that many remember but it was also a decade that for those who swam in its swirling mists with glee and possible terror will never forget.

Wendy Wason, Comedy Review. The Gilded Balloon, Edinburgh Festival 2016.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 7.5/10

We are all Matryoshka Dolls, the space in which we inhabit on the Earth only made possible because of all the people we are inside, the separate pieces that make up us, whether it be father, son, nephew, art lover, or mother, daughter, wife and comedian, we are all made up of small pieces of us that decrease in size till you hit that final Babushka, the tiny and brimming with potential human that is frail, afraid and hopeful, sometimes even just excited to get out of the house.