Category Archives: Theatre

Carlotta de Galleon-A Fool for Love, Theatre Review. Spotlites, Edinburgh Fringe Festival. 2016.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Cast: Charlotte Gallagher.

English Literature is awash with the heaving bosom of the heroine being swept off her feet by the man she thought was broken, dangerous, a heart ruled by anarchistic ritual and yet you won’t find that many books of the romantic nature inside Britain’s book shops, not unless you delve deeply into the classic section and realise that all those writers of a by-gone age knew something that that modern audiences, so full of sophistication and drowning in scepticism, have forgotten; that sex and romance sells like almost nothing else available to read.

Tent, Theatre Review. Spotlites, Edinburgh Fringe Festival, 2016.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 7/10

Cast: Yuuya Ishizone.

The secrets that come out in the dark, when you are lost in the remoteness of the both the wilderness and the mind, those are the most comfortably haunting secrets to be revealed, they are the ones that others cannot walk away from so easily or be refreshed by the day time sun; the finest and most damning secrets are always best revealed when lost.

Michelle Christine, Theatre Review. Spotlites, Edinburgh Fringe Festival, 2016.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Canada always seems to hold an affinity with most people round the world, possibly because of its laid back approach to life, the sincerity and friendliness of its people and the fact that it is so vast, arguably so much more natural, less spoilt by human progress; it is a terrain built on the rugged and intrepid, the explorer and the indomitable, it is a country that produces absolute stirring stories.

Just An Ordinary Lawyer, Theatre Review. Spotlites, Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2016.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Cast: Tayo Aluko.

It can take a single moment to make a person’s life seem insignificant, to put down all their achievements with a dismissive sign of arrogance, of misplaced racial or gender inequality or presumed superiority, it can take that moment to possibly change that person’s life forever. Sometimes it can be though for the good as they strive on in their goal to become the better person, the one with ideals, honour and purpose in the community. Sometimes one just wishes to be an ordinary man, sometimes you become exceptional as Just an Ordinary Lawyer.

Swansong, Theatre Review. The Pleasance Above, Edinburgh Fringe Festival, 2016.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Ed Macarthur, Tom Black, Nina Shenkman, Charlotte Merriam.

Civilisation is dead, it has been washed away in a huge flood and humanity is on the verge of extinction; it is not all bad though, there are still four human beings left alive in a pedalo, four human beings from very different social backgrounds, four separate personalities and outlooks. Let’s face it the future, unless they can come to some sort of compromise as they float on the high seas, unless they can agree on the prospect of their lives, then humanity is as washed up as seaweed on an icy shoreline.

Partial Nudity, Theatre Review. Zoo, Edinburgh Fringe Festival, 2016.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Joe Layton, Kate Franz.

If you had the bitter choice of appearing to lose face or losing the respect of someone you love, which road would you take, which option would you endure as you sweat behind the curtain, as you drown in the first beads of self pity and anxious reproach?

Hummingbird, Theatre Review. Zoo, Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2016.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Cast: Harriet Feeny, Francois Lecomte, Adam Gordon.

Murder always makes a good spectacle, it always seems to reach down into the very pit of human consciousness and allow even the strongest of moral citizens to subject themselves to nothing more than a titillated spectator, a background ghoul in which the perpetrator feels some weird affinity with. Murder is the biggest seller and when it committed by more than one person, when it is a conspiracy which involves defrauding someone of their life and their money, then the papers and the imagination, the talk and the gossip really salivate at the prospect.

Three For Two, Theatre Review. Zoo, Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2016.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating  9/10

Cast: Alan Wales, Winston J. Pyke.

Three plays, two actors, one overwhelming emotion of having sat through brilliance, rarely does the mind allow for such thought to become noticeable as you are immersed within a production but as Groundswell Theatre’s Alan Wales and Winston J. Pyke present the three plays linked by a common theme, it is hard to ignore that voice in the pit of the stomach that dares suggest, that any audience would love the whole experience.

Radpole, Theatre Review. Zoo, Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2016.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Ned Dunne, Max Himpe, Flinn Andreae, George Beard, Henry Eaton-Mercer, Henry Cobb.

Being a socially awkward teenager is hard enough but when you don’t fit in with anybody, when neither the conformists or the radicals will take you in and give you a place at their table, the only course of action is to start your own group, your own movement and if wins you respect or the love of the girl you fancy, then being a Radpole is a position to hold sacred and true to your soul.

I Keep A Woman In My Flat Chained To A Radiator, Theatre Review. Zoo, Edinburgh Fringe 2016.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Monica Ferero, Alex Wells King.

A hot date, a man and a woman discussing the impending moments of first kiss, of possible sex and the state of Sandra Bullock’s acting career, all normal, all light and thoughtful, yet there in the corner of the room is the first sign that not all is well and it is that image that drives Theatre Apparently’s I Keep A Woman In My Flat Chained To A Radiator with dark comic overtones.