Category Archives: Poetry

I Know No Other Way To Get High. (Vinyl Lamb).


I want to leave

another permanent mark

on my skin, to feel the pulse

under the knife today,

tonight, when it is the hour

of understanding, of dismissed life.

I watched his mouth open wide

forming a sentence as the background

of clamour threatened

with deep joy to stutter any conversation

we might have had,

I leaned my head forward, slightly,

and cupped

my empty hand to my ears as if

to show his words had been mislaid

in the pulse of ether

The Melting Moon.


I want to stand under the water

that flows from the moon

and across jagged downpour rocks,

and as I stare at the once

great god of old,

now on fire, raging mishap and

cold blue accident,

I see it melt, I hear the cries

of the one that shot

the arrow into the sky

and wept as it pierced

its heart, dying

now, slowly

over rocks

and its life dilutes

as it merges with the pool.


Ian D. Hall 2018

The Sound Of Violins On The Water.


A lake of wood

and former taut string

gathers underneath her feet.

She plays as relics of other’s

ambition and lost gaze cause

sweeps alongside her,

the fashioned, once polished,

timber falls out of shape

and warps the water

with its sound.

As the bow glides,

ripples of echoes

float towards a distant shore

and in the dream of inspiring hope,

she plays on, each note a siren

calling out to hear the sound

of the violin serenade, to join

Your Secret.


Can I impart

a whispered moment

of exclusive thought to you

my love?

I think

you are so very special,

so out of the ordinary.

Don’t worry,

there is no pressure,

no one will understand,

I am just going

to tell


that I meet.


Ian D. Hall 2018

The Puppet Off Her Strings.


Dancing Queen…

so obscene

to behave like you have licked

the cream, whipped

into a frenzy

as you embarrass us

coming to the stage

like the unhinged robot

in a disguise of self-deprecation

as its nuts and bolts come away,

come away,

come away, worked loose,

the puppet without her strings

is on the loose…

oh, may we have this dance

you believe in your head

we requested, and as you

pull another gun from out

of the bra straps, fluffy

A Final Discarding Of Faith.


Her fingers clicked

through the beads, one

by one, a silent prayer in progress

as the bus grunted in disjointed answer

to her hope of forgiveness and eyes

staring penance.

Her gaze never wavering from the unfolding

scene of life, horror in her mind

as I saw only animated Time.


to me, something must have caught her eye

and slowly, with pain etched deep

in her face and a tear forming,

she put down her faith

and forfeited the remainder

of the journey, taking flight

Plymouth Rock.


Shall we visit

Plymouth Rock

and feel the weight of time

eat at our souls, the memories

of patriarchy in silent

judgement looking down

their collected noses,

a decree of continued disappointment

and an unmoving…

…unwavering opinion steeped

in Victorian moral uptight stone;

the Plymouth Rock, not for me

and the ship that carries my worth,

I will land close by,

for a few hours

and then depart, taking my cold

memories with me.


Ian D. Hall 2018


The revolution you want…

…will never happen, stuck

as we are

in an endless game,

let’s play Risk tonight

you ask, but I counter

with Blind

man’s bluff, or even


to play on in pairs, the group

game has now become impossible,

Risk…too risky to show the side

of the coin you flip,

as it spins and tumbles

in to the crack between

soul and mind, you call tails,

knowing that now the revolution

we deserve, is a game

nobody is prepared to win,

A Quietness Broken, In A Bootle Graveyard.


Broken, but still beating hearts

grieve close by to where we

have been picking off dead

leaves brought down in flight,

swirling in the dog fight of autumnal

trepidation that all soon will be mulch,

trodden down with the finger wag

of open graveside talk, the freedom

to explain away our troubles

to the deaf underground.

In this council setting,

set between the river and consuming

life, there is no beauty, all is bleak and

September day groaning with the weight

of the year gained…

Somewhere On Dartmoor, Will Lay Eternal.


The train will take me

onwards, an electric hum

a bitter substitute

for the days of steam

and the loosely packed sandwich

that flirts suggestively

with the expiry date

and the unflavoured tea,

hot, sweet, dull as yesterday’s dishwater;

this journey will be different

to the one that we took when

fans in red and thick west

Lancashire accents

set fire to the carriage

and the driver sped on,

eating up miles in an attempt

to blow it out, steam train serenade.