Category Archives: Music

Laura Marling: Patterns In Repeat. Album Review.


Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

The phenomenon of Patternicity is one that is a fascinating psychological challenge to understand, to wrestle with whilst knowing all the time that it cannot be disputed as it is so engrained into the human existence, whether we actively seek patterns to explain the world and the universe or are overwhelmed by the continual observance and use it to dictate our life to the point that every event, every incident is an indicator to how the day will unfold, we must be mindful of how it will impact others, how perhaps the inclination will determine their lives as well.

Bonfire Radicals: Flywheel. E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

A blend, in terms of a spiritual imbibition can leave a taste in the mouth that feels odd to the palate of the clinical taster, to those that prefer an aged single malt, they find the moment to be one of a lesser deliberation and argue that the flavour has been left to take on a personality that is not of their choosing.

Steve Hill: Hanging On A String. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * *

It may seem flippant to suggest, for some it will be a preposterous notion, but it arguably a truth that only art can save the world, or at least civilisation as far as humanity is concerned, and whilst we are at a precipice of Time, hanging not just by a thread, but by our fingernails on collective sanity and our anger, we have the opportunity to enthuse others to a place where art in all its forms connects in ways that other areas of life are afraid to tap into.

Sunjay: I’m Just Like You. Album Review.

Image preview

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

We spend so long, so many hundreds of hours daydreaming, hoping, fantasizing, that we could be someone else, or at least be someone that someone would want to be like, that we forget for the vast majority of times those same people cast their stare in our direction and hold their tongue, not sure on how to inform us, to openly declare, I’m Just Like You.

Michell, Pfeiffer & Kulesh: Flowers. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Whilst we are all unique, we must at some point agree to join forces in a way that brings out the very best in our ability, in our vision, and to bring something new to the public’s attention, a sign that union is not only welcome but required to attain a new balance in the world.

Mia Kelly: To Be Clear. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

The art of storytelling in any artistic endeavour is to find the smallest moment that you observed and give it credence, to make it larger, impress upon it the sense of the familiar and cherished, to exaggerate on the belief that binds it. Fiction is a lie well told, a story is that lie given a soul; and if that story is greeted with pleasure and is valued, then it is an epic of an esteemed nature.

Erlend Viken Trio: Ville Veier. Album Review.

Erlend Viken Trio - Ville Veier cover artwork. A photo of a street corner with a fallen traffic light surrounded by protective tape.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

In a world dominated by the pop ballad and the sound of various genres filling the space of the beating heart of the human experience, when we come across the sound of the dominating fiddle calls back to a time in which we were more in tune with our natural surroundings, a creative dynamic which struck beauty into the soul, but which equally could send mournful floods of tears cascading down the cheek as the heart broke time and time again.

Paul Heaton: The Mighty Several. Album Review.

Paul Heaton - The Mighty Several - Reviews - Album of The Year

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

There isn’t much grace left in dear old Blighty, the romance of an aged past, the lies of eras, the spotlight that has pinpointed its crusty, faded façade, is one that has caused a schism, a naked fear of upset division in the isles of less than plenty, a rupture in appreciation for the truth of fine minds who speak with eloquence and richness of the finest of poets, and the classiest of men.

Beth Hart: You Still Got Me. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

We are attracted to the raging fire in ways that the cold and impenetrable icebergs cannot fathom, the jagged, spiky chunks of ice may look cool but once you seek below the exterior you find nothing true, nothing substantial; and yet the passion of the fire, the enthusiasm of seeing the energy burn, of being close to the inferno…that’s as true, as authentic as you can possibly hope to be in the presence of.

Wendy James: The Shape Of History. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10


In the end it all comes down to attitude, the more you are able to stare into the possible void, the more respect you earn; the bold and the assertive do not meekly stand by as The Shape Of History unfolds, they do not cower at what have passed, only striding on with purpose, under no illusion that they may have occasionally mis-stepped their dance with Time, but are still able to lead it around the floor so others may swoon in their presence.