Lead me to those who seek life outside of the rigid norms of society, the freethinkers, the non-conformists, the individual bohemians who seek a different agenda, not ruled by the greenback or the acquisition of the constant slummy, for somethings, as artists will often petition to be understood, are more than riches counted in gold, they are the wealth of leaving something beautiful to the ages and beyond.
It might seem that such thinking is the result of too many Nights In The Belly Of Bohemia, of soaking in the atmosphere of the colourful and the unconventional lifestyles that infiltrate and penetrate our soul, but it shows the purpose of such enigmatic adventures, that we can be swept up by the trails of breathable smoke and find ourselves immersed into the world of those who see more, observe more than the whispers of gold and silver to pay their way to the next platform of existence.
For Gibraltarian musician Gabriel Moreno, the sixth studio album, Nights In The Belly Of Bohemia is an album of recognition to the style and avant-garde nature to be found in life where the poetry of the mind is welcomed more than the tailorship and barter of exchange for a lucrative sum. The whole essence of capitalism is again called into question, for where we require more than ever romance, live, kindness, and the bonding of the human experience, we can do surely do away with the politics of indifference and the bitterness that constant chasing of the coin can bring.
Centred around Gabriel Moreno’s use of the nylon string guitar, the album is that dramatic beauty of the ode and honour in full voice, from tracks such as Edge Of A Dream, Bohemia, Mortified Too, When You Kill The Thing You Love, Vertigo, and Lightning Bolt the sense of confession, the rising above of the physical boundaries imposed by political ill will and the desperate acts of regulations is not only palpable, it is domineeringly cool.
The poet within always finds a way to break loose from the bondage inflicted upon the soul and in this wonderfully arranged and sentimentally direct recording, the effect of Gabriel Moreno’s expert eye and guitar style, along with accompaniment from the talented touring musicians at his disposal, Pablo Campos, Pablo Yupton, Juampi Mauro, Richard Moore, Dave Burns, and Ty Watling, the sound is one of increasing belief, a drive to add revolution to the air, and one that captures with intent the majesty and music of one of Europe’s best known and compelling secrets.
Nights In The Belly Of Bohemia is yet again proof positive of the power and cool groove, intertwined with fascinating insight that sits at the heart of this bohemian troubadour.
Ian D. Hall