Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10
We have become separated by the noise, the disconnection between former friends, allies, even family members has come about through a variety of divisive factors, each amplified to a point and a peak where opinion overrides fact and detail, the emotion of our loss is magnified by the constant barrage of updates, one-sided statements, and the feeling of information to our inner circle…but it doesn’t have to be that way, we can, rather than create war with each other and throw constant blows of verbal statistics, dream together, use our imagination to invent, design, and give hope where others lay waste.
In Dorothy Bird’s second single from the forthcoming album Whispering Paper, Dream With Me is a polished reconnection of the intimate and the human touch within relationships, and whether taken on a spiritual or physical level, what the musician has provided to the listener is an imploring of the soul, a well argued damnation of the noise that has taken away our ability to empathise, has demolished our capacity to reason in a quiet manner, and in a very splendid honouring of the type of sound that the audience might find in the creative touch and lyrical groove provided by the likes of Tori Amos, Dorothy Bird urges the relationships of us all to be held in a higher esteem, that in unity we can share the secrets of love.
Dreams are important, they filter out the trash of the day, they illuminate our deepest fears and responses, and with Jon Lawton once again taking the helm at the producer’s desk, the vision of connection is one of palpable realisation, a fierce, but cooly delivered with a resonating voice of confidence and shared mutual respect.
Dream With Me is understanding that we share so much more than what others insist we are divided by, that to share a vision for the common future surely commands more attention than continually damaging our psyche in an effort to be seen as the top dog, to being compared to the narcissist pulling the strings behind the curtain.
Once again Dorothy Bird delivers a quality single for the crowd, and it is one of the heartfelt and the unburdening of truth.
Ian D. Hall