ENMY. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

When the rock community in Europe think of the sound that typifies the genre in America, it could be argued that the city of Cincinnati does not feature highly on the list of places that would necessarily make the listener think of being a natural home to the expression of the soul and the beat.

Cincinnati though has been the base of such bands as the short lived Blues Rock group Sacred Mushroom, the birthplace of Jefferson Airplane’s Marty Balin, the brilliance of Scott Walker, despite being of British origin cut his teeth in and around the city, the heritage of the North American metropolitan centre is more accustomed to Funk, straight out Blues and the alternative connections of recent years than the thumping growl of Rock could adhere to.

Yet into every space must come a fit so perfect that the crevice of empty inspiration is not only filled but starts the system of overflowing passion; and for the fan willing any part of the country to have its own stonewall hero, ENMY strut in to view with a purpose of cool, groove, and discipline.

The second release from the band is one of emotionally crafted, electrifying rock/metalcore capital, it is a sound to take to the music bank and deposit with confidence, amassing interest with every play.

The self-titled sophomore album sees the energy soar, it is a dynamic of the uniqueness of the band in an area dominated by other wonderfully defining genres that gifts the listener the emotive and the raw, the genuine and the sensitive with a series of melodies that would not be out of place from groups from the heartlands of the genre, or from Europe.

From scintillating tracks such as Our Demise, the excellent Survive, Silver Bullet, and On The Edge, ENMY take to the airwaves and the listener’s soul; with a manifesto of noise, of being bloody in their aggression, but by showing a heart for the clarity of sound and vocals, of pronouncing the subject matter with deftness and assured motivation; of framing the narrative succinctly and with stone cold reason in their approach.

A gifted second album from the Cincinnati pioneers; they are not the enemy, but the heroes in waiting.

ENMY release their self-titled sophomore album on October 11th via FiXTIan D. Hall