Paula Fong: Chestnut Mare. E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Whilst we should all know it, it is always worth driving home the reminder that to judge anyone by appearances is to deny yourself of the possibility of having your heart, your senses, and your mind opened to new opportunities, to have the world shaken; when you decide to dismiss based on any pre- conceived ideals or likes, then that denial is based in unreasonable assumptions of talent, that you see a field full of trees but dismiss the fruit of one as nothing but inedible experience.

Chestnut Mare is an act of many emotions acting in unison, dedicated will, unburdened philosophy, a desire to prove a person’s worth in a world too highly encouraged to look at certain attributes before the aptitude is even given a chance to be displayed; thankfully in the heart of Paula Fong roars a lioness who rips apart convention just by looking into the eyes of the audience and installing a gracious type of intimidation, a coercion of beauty, guile, and drama that inspires unity.

The sense of togetherness is driven by the sheer quality of musicianship that accompanies Ms. Fong on the deliciously sounding tracks, names such as Michael Starr, Cory Tramontelli, Deacon Marquinn, Johnny Flaugher, Phil Parlapiano, Nate Richert, Phil Glenn, Abby Posner, Leeann Skoda, Daniel Landau, Ben Matin, and Teresa James,

From seasoned vocalist whose harmonious vocals are truly respected, to a woman, an artist with the power to draw upon a myriad of subjects, almost weaponising them with feminine power and a pulse of a greeted tuneful cordial joy and in Chestnut Mare, her debut solo E.P. that spring like eternal hope is overwhelming and ready to push the musician onwards.

The songs are driven by what should be considered as inherent kindness to the self, they are the rainbow raised in the damage of a thunderstorm, and as A House Is Not A Home, As Memories Fade, the wonderful Ophelia, Jacob & Esau, Fallen Lamb, and the E.P. title track Chestnut Mare testify, Ms. Fong is ready to take on the forest that others put in the way of those in search of the trail, and it is a revelation of spirit.

In her sincerity Paula Fong’s Chestnut Mare is a breed apart, and a constant reminder that we must be constantly aware of the layers of brilliance that lays in the heart of all.

Paula Fong releases Chestnut Mare on 6th September 2024.

Ian D. Hall