Captain Of The Lost Waves: Success In Failure. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

We are urged, almost dictated to in no small measure, to believe that success is the be all and end all, the point of human existence is to reach the top of the tree, look down with commitment and contentment and almost be smug in our satisfaction for winning in the game of life.

What we forget is that there is Success In Failure, that we must look upon the decree of disappointment not with regret or as a collapsing fiasco, but as an act of measured calm, that whatever the fates may throw against us, we will endure, we will try again, not to raise the idea of pernicious success in its arrogance, but acclaim that we survived, we thrived, we conquered the test placed before us with acclaim from all sides.

Captain Of The Lost Waves understands the sentiments and feelings in such ways that it can only be described as a fulfilment of passion that he is able to bring to the listener’s ear an honest, sympathetic, and heartening single that marks the return of the sailor of the emotional tides.

The tide is the favour of those who sail with the captain, for as always been noted the sheer depth and volume of the creator’s work is to be found illuminating and sincerely cool.

Success In Failure is a reflection of our times, a song of personal insight and the relief of sensations cast when we come out of the other side of adversity, the underlying beauty of non-noticed success. It is to this as a single that Captain Of The Lost Waves reappears in our musical harbour, the hold brimming with further joy and potential.

A salute thrown to a captain who does not know how to fail, a goodness of music restored.

Ian D. Hall