Walt Disco, Unlearning. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

It is time to embrace the act of Unlearning, to shed the skin that accompanies years and decades of imposed belief, and by doing so the weight of illusion that has dragged us down blind alleys, has had us almost corpse ridden in the act of rancid nostalgia, is discarded and cast off as simply as the scales that have been removed from the eyes of the informed and enlightened.

Unlearning behaviour is a right, a necessity of growth, and it must be achieved by sacrificing certain toxic traits of mindfulness, but never once letting go of the integrity you have developed.

Some will call Walt Disco’s debut album breath-taking; others will produce evidence of it being outstanding, yet Unlearning goes beyond those traits and emotional ties, it is an album of sheer lucid audacity, of translucence, of radiance, and it doesn’t release the listener from its grasp until well after the music stops.

Infectious as anything produced by The Talking Heads, as inspiring and humbling as any music produced by David Bowie, Glasgow’s Walt Disco dedicates themselves to going all out in a blaze of glory, of introducing themselves with an inferno backed handshake and a supply of positivity that is rightfully unashamed of its intense initiation into the minds of the listener.

Through tracks such as Selfish Lover, Cut Your Hair, Be An Actor, Hold Yourself As High As Her, If I Had A Perfect Life, and the seismic opener Weightless, the doors to this new Glasgow phenomenon are opened wide, the appreciation is immediate and the glow of respect for what has been laid down for the approval of the public is undeniable.

Walt Disco is an aural show of fascination, a former blank canvas which has had every available pore filled in, colour and opportunity oozing class across the once empty page, until you have to take a step back and see the giant picture for yourself, and the result is one of absolute and unremitting cool.

Unlearn what you think you might know and accept the proof of starting afresh, for in Unlearning you are offered a new vision, a way of listening that will see you discover a sound of possibilities and aural sculptures in expression.

Walt Disco releases Unlearning on April 1st via Lucky Number.

Ian D. Hall