Attic Theory, Saints Among Us. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

You can cross yourself as many times as you wish, you can pray to the wind, seek solace in the heavens and speak in tongues to those you seek the warm embrace of protection from, but for all of that there must be an understanding that in a world that has descended into farce, where a President is anything but presidential and wise, where the will of the people is to commit themselves to absolute uncertainty, then perhaps there really are no Saints Among Us.

It is in the measure of belief that we can dispel such rumours, after all it is like suggesting that there are no good men left, when the opposite is plainly true, so to we must acknowledge that there are saints who walk amongst us, we just need to widen the perimeter of the definition to see for ourselves what these people bring to the modern day world.

In a world that is rapidly embracing the coldness of existence, it is to those who shake down any possibility of toeing the line, of producing art for a society that doesn’t truly understand the pain of such positive creativity, who never see beyond their own doubt and need to complain that art is not valuable, that the public does not have the time for such feckless pursuits, that culture does not exist.

For Attic Theory the argument will always be a strong one, they will rush to defend the world of art, in all its forms and practices, the saints are those who refuse to allow art to be reduced to a game show, for the public opinion that if it isn’t endorsed by television and the camera lens then it doesn’t matter. Saints will always preserve us from the harm imposed by such reckless thought, and whilst we may not see them in the form of the heavenly and righteous, still the music they create is such that it moves the soul and the mind in the right direction.

A debut single, like any first foray into the physical world of opinion, is to be celebrated and in Saints Among Us, that single is hard hitting, it is a hard exposure in a very public glare, and yet one that shows the talent of this band off superbly. There may be no saints amongst us, and yet listen carefully and you will find the sound of the heavens welcoming in a new way of expression. There is no theory like an Attic Theory!

Ian D. Hall