Yvonne Lyon, Everything’s Fine. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

The world is a perplexing place of indecision, double-talk and hidden conversational meanings, we never truly say what we mean, hiding perhaps behind the facade of wishing for a quiet life and knowing that damage to another’s soul is never truly rectified. An erroneous word uttered, a seemingly innocent remark placed in jest to the audience, and the suggestion that comes back with authority and pursed lips, is that Everything’s Fine, nothing is wrong.

What if though the day is as bleak, as grey as a pigeon’s damp wing, the humdrum a part of the day you get used to and nothing spectacular out of the blue happens, what if in amongst that grey walk home, in that beige and dreary bus ride, someone smiles at you, not out of pity, not in sympathy, but with that full beam of appreciation that lights up their face and your heart, then surely a wrong word is forgotten and forgiven, for in this search for the beautiful and the poetic, the strength mustered makes you whistle for a while, everything is truly fine.

It is an endearing quality that Yvonne Lyon brings to the studio, to the attention of the listener, songs of emotion, songs in the search for an answer, but understanding that quite often the search is exhausting, but one still filled with absolute hope. It is in this search that her new single, Everything’s Fine, and the subsequent “B” sides, Where The Poor Find Gold and Hope, is to be greeted with positive praise and the endorsement of those who see the good in that one shining moment of the day.

It can be tough to constantly keep smiling, to light up someone’s heart just by singing songs of hope and truth, but Yvonne Lyon, as she has already proved in her albums and her career, has once again shown that no matter what happens, as long as you have hope and that one person smile at you with love, then Everything’s Fine, really fine.

Yvonne Lyon releases Everything’s Fine on August 31st.

Ian D. Hall