What happens when a man with an enormous thirst for power, but a tragically brittle ego is made King of the World?
In a kingdom ruthlessly ruled over by a permanently tanned King with strange orange hair, one of his lowliest subjects decides he has had enough of the King’s increasingly mad decrees. Can he survive defying the King, especially when he can’t even depend on the loyalty of his oldest friend?
King Of The World is a dark comedy and a modern day comment on despotic power and how loyalty, trust and friendship are tested under such a regime.
Written by Brian Coyle and directed by Emma Bird, the team behind the superb Welcome To Paradise Road and which was awarded Best Script and Best Director at 2016 Liverpool Page to Stage Festival, King Of The World is part of this year’s Liverpool Fringe and is on at 81 Renshaw Street on June 6th and 7th at 7.30pm. The play stars Pea Lee, Keith Hyland and Sean McGlynn.
Emma’s most recent production was New Dawn Fades: a Play about Joy Division and Manchester, which had a sell-out, standing ovation, four night run recently at The Dancehouse, Manchester.
Tickets for this production are available from 81 Renshaw Street, Liverpool.