Villy Raze, Ignite. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Light the fuse and stand well back, do not be tempted to return to item without having read the manual, for once Villy Raze is lit, there is no holding him back and it is a pleasure to see the rocket cascade in a different set of colours in his new single Ignite.

It is the power of conviction that makes an artist like Villy stand out , one in which a song is not just an item on a check out conveyor, a morsel in which to satisfy the ache and the hunger for five minutes, not the sense of the garlic bread or the slapped down roll in which is barely chewed as the bill for the steak or prize vegetarian meal is deemed to elaborate and over priced; not for Villy Raze, the song is the temptation and if the menu needs to be altered then he does not stand for the offering to be anything but perfect and within everybody’s grasp.

Ignite and let the colours flow, the lyrics melt in a haze of excitement, for the belief in the track that Villy Raze, alongside the great Phil Hartley on bass and Allan Jones on percussion, displays is one of experimentation, of reaching beyond and out of the comfort zone and remembering that evolution is not a dirty word.

In some musicians you want them to be effervescent, to feel the surge of bubbling anticipation dwell for a while and then detonate, to send the lava down the side of the human volcano, not to see destruction, not to wallow in the misery of something lost but to know from such actions, fertility and the abundant take hold.

Ignite the fuse, strike the match and watch this particular long running firework set the world aflame, for Villy Raze has found another peak in which set his dominant flag upon.


Ian D. Hall