I leave a line of memory on a Bicester wall,
a remark, an admission of love
wrapped up in clothing of regret,
for these days I think of you
in sepia detail, like a long lost lover
who moved away without saying goodbye,
I feel bereft of Time,
for whilst I glimpse at you
in modern social media glory and those bitter
sweet postcards
sent by locomotive from
the steep bank of Bicester North,
I miss the haze of Sheep Street
now closed
to cars but traffic jam packed
on weekends, at night, when the boys and girls
come out to play and drink
the night away.
My memories sit in Garth Park,
in Bicester School, on Cooper School field
broken eyes and golf ball swings;
a line left on a Bicester wall,
time was I thought I’d return,
Time shows that perhaps
it is now left in memory.
Ian D. Hall 2017