It is a venue that is often in the minds of all who travel the globe to make their way to home of British Pop music, it is a venue steeped in history, in the collision of words and music and the resounding force of nature in which art radiates outwards to all points in Liverpool, to all walks of life. People come for the music, for the memory of the golden age of British music but they leave with another striking reflection in their minds, one that if they stay for a while and savour the new breed, the new songs, then the Golden Age is thankful for having such worthy successors to keep carrying the torch of Merseyside and beyond.
One man who done much to keep that flame going is David Bash, the man behind the International Pop Overthrow and for whom music is not just a passion but an obsession he wishes to share, and whilst he takes the I.P.O. to many different cities across America and Europe, undoubtedly the very best is held at The Cavern Club and Cavern Pub during the months of May.
This year’s event, which runs from Tuesday 16th through to Tuesday 23rd May, is promising to bigger than ever, with bands from all quarters making their way to the venue which is always so very high on the list of places to see and reflect in whilst visiting the city by the Mersey.
With stalwarts of the Liverpool I.P.O. making a dramatic and much loved return, Alison Green, The Cherry Bluestorms, Midland Railway, Spygenius and Fun of The Pier, the local bands of the city will undoubtedly prove once again they are a huge force to be reckoned with in the live arena, especially the likes of Susan Hedges and Joe Symes and the Loving Kind.
The Liverpool I.P.O. is a period in the Liverpool music calendar not to be missed, so many bands, so much enjoyment for the senses to be had. Once again David Bash has brought the very best to the city, it is only right to savour as many groups as you can.
Check the I.P.O. website for times and schedules.
Ian D. Hall