From Me To You (This Christmas).

There is no snow falling

through the air, softly and with delicate

dancing care,

there is no drifting smoke from a well stoked

fire keeping children warm

and the heavy glow of safety,

hale and hearty memories

of days before they were gone

in a flash; this is the Christmas in which to be thankful

that we have

all that we have

before the days turn to spring

and daffodils turn their heads

skywards to praise the Universe, so much bigger

on the outside.

Be thankful

that one person in the world loves you with all

their might and fierce joy,

be thankful to have loved and lost, and to promise

to see the world from a larger anthill,

to look down and marvel at how far you have climbed,

to forgive,

to be in pleasant company,

even when you are on your own…

be thankful to live one more day

and whilst there is no snow falling

around your home, listen for the Robin’s song,

for you are being watched over

with love.


Ian D. Hall 2016