They still come,
they still knock on the door ,
they will forever kick at the door
they come for the disabled
because now we are the softest target,
not realising that we are all the victims
of any sort of infirmity,
but soon they will come for you
and we will not be able to speak for you,
your crime, the worry in your head
and the flowering nagging and revelation
that all is not right, all is not well,
for they come for the Muslim woman next door,
they come for her for she worries them,
they come for the poet over the road,
they come for him for he worries them,
they come for the spiky haired punk,
they come for her for she worries them,
they come for the investigator
and they shoot her first,
but not till she has refused to give up her secrets
until they arrested her father
for once voting against their wishes,
he worried them…
they will come for the thoughtful
the kind, the generous, the weary, the ones who smile
pleasantly, they will come for the dying, the sick,
the homeless, the compassionate, the beautiful
of soul, the anti-uniform, the ones that refuse
to conform, those that understand their hate
and try to warn others…
I cannot speak for you for they have me dead already
and I weep
for I have never felt before the fear in my own country
that nobody will speak up at all, that they
the ragged of thought, of dedication to a cause
of brutality, have stirred up their
hornet’s nest once more.
Ian D. Hall 2016