Nothing More Than A Scene Shifter.

We forget

that whilst we are the hero

of our own particular story,

that we are also only bit players,

occasional extras,

unseen scene shifters

and barely existing wardrobe mistresses

and silent fancy dressers

in everybody else’s time in the spotlight,

that whilst they deliver the cutting line,

the well rehearsed, sometimes spontaneous

ad-lib or the images of abuse in human form,

we are the unspeaking audience,

looking in from afar

and with no right to have our say

on how we would like the play

to finish, what the character should do,

it’s not a free for all, our additional monologue,

though perhaps relevant,

is not required;

be a majestic hero yes

but remember at times,

you have only just managed to see the play from the back row

or even curse your luck

as you read about it in the newspaper columns

in week old fish and chip paper.


Ian D. Hall 2016