That One Final Perfect Kiss.

I have bled

and no doubt will bleed again,

the only thing I am unsure of

is the reason why

and the moment Time decrees when.

I have bled and stopped the pain,

I have laughed it off

for that is what civilisation decrees,

that life doesn’t mind you suffering,

it just doesn’t want to see you

remonstrate, crawl into the skin

or take refuge

in the beautiful bosom

of Death, it’s not very gentlemanly after all.


I have gently kissed her, her silken skin,

her pale lips and looked

deep into those eyes, not ashamed

of what I saw, not frightened

of falling in love, not scared

to stiffen my resolve

or to fall gently asleep

as she tenderly places her still

and welcoming heart next to mine

and allows herself, with regret,

to crush me into oblivion,

for that one final perfect kiss

I will bleed.


Ian D. Hall 2016