The Time Of Year.

I may dislike the time of year,

yet I find some solace in wishing you the best

and with a very sincere smile

as I tap out the words,

as I exploit

my soul

in going against the grain,

for the ending is just too much,

i’d rather kiss you for the first time

a thousand times

than ever say goodbye.


I love the message that comes back

in the heat of a darkness hour

which says thank you

for remembering me,

why would I not,

the wonderful, the beautiful,

the sincere and the lost upon the way

are all remembered, it is my privilege,

my honour

and sometimes my disgrace and shame

to have you forever in my mind,

indelibly tattooed

to be able wish you a very

Happy Christmas, may I be in your thought

at New Year with perhaps kindness.


Ian D. Hall 2015