I wish I could grieve for you
but you are a fading memory,
a ghost that still breathes
and whose profligate, reckless heart
still beats somewhere…
still, against his ribcage and in such a way
that each time I hear it
deep down in my D.N.A. I experience
an anger unbecoming
for what you have done
and the dark seeds of despair find a way
to nestle and take root
uncontrolled and unregulated
as I remember all that is between us,
blood and soul,
and yet
I miss you always.
You never learned,
how could you,
a product of a society
that saw greed as good,
as a king to be lauded
and the wasteful search for the modern
Shilling a rumour as the grand rolls past…
Of course I miss you,
why would I not,
but the blame you placed on me
in the subtext each day now makes
me think you might be better
off gone,
so I can grieve properly
and with a tear
finally shed.
Ian D. Hall 2015.