I will lay flowers for the girl in room thirteen.
In my shame of playing armchair detective,
having trudged the streets
in which her story
was told, I, like countless others,
forgot there was a human being
and not a story, a puzzle to solve,
that sang such songs of haunting sorrow
in room thirteen.
The long since forgotten grave, unmarked
and without any ceremony
since the day she was blessed by the Earth
should hold testament to the despise we
should hold to the Victorian era
that held such unfortunate people
in their thrall and I promise
with hand on heart that the next time
I find myself in the Village’s grip
I will lay some flowers for her.
She lived in dreams,
the reality too desperate for thought
but as she cradles the Earth
in Leytonstone’s path, I wish her sleep
is pure, now far from harm.
Ian D. Hall 2015