All I hear in far distant voices
is the complaint of Echo
as she strives to have Narcissus look
upon her tender loins and sigh
for one such as her, one such as her.
Echo, child of damnation
of her own accord, never one of
punished sound and fading rememberance
as the words splits and catches,
slowly disintegrating, integrating, grating, rating
and ever slowly decaying, just saying nothing
but I love you.
Echo, child of spirit,
I implore, do not play with the boy
who looks at you without the mirror
in hand…
…do not look upon him as a God, for there
is no substance in the flesh, for he
is weak and without material,
no essence, no wit to give you what you need,
an answer said with meaning,
the same as your own dear echo
but said with single voice…
Narcissus will never love you
as you
love, love, love, love
Ian D. Hall 2015