We shall overcome.
We shall overcome
the cold and damp, the rain and bitterness,
the silver dagger and bullet
of hidden abuse that gets hurled our way
and we shall stand tall whilst all around us
kicks us whilst we are down
and all because one hand reached out
through the despair
and one set of eyes didn’t see us as
a problem to be swept away
and one pair of ears listened;
for we shall overcome.
We shall overcome.
We shall overcome
the ears that listened were just the first,
the eyes that saw past the bigotry and fear
implored and reached out to others
in the crowd as the hand that lifted me up
ended up wrapping its arm
around my shoulders and held me
for a while until the coldness of the street
finally started to fade away; more than this
as the heart that gave and love
overcame the greatest of social ills,
ignorance, and together onwards, hand in hand,
for we shall overcome.
For We Shall Overcome: Liverpool.
Ian D. Hall 2015.