Sarah Beatrice, Desire. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Fire and Desire can go hand in hand; one is useless without the other, for in the flames of passion and the passionate neither can survive long in the open air if not gelled together.

Sarah Beatrice understands this completely as the Liverpool singer creative talent finds that her first single Fire is an uncomplicated lover into which entwine her words to and in which Desire is a natural progression. Unlike many other desires that take place throughout the world every day, the quality of Sarah Beatrice’s vocals and feeling for the words she is offering makes sure that desire is permanent; it becomes a deep seated adoration and love.

Whilst Desire is only her second single, there is more than enough evidence laid before the musical court to happily suggest that Sarah Beatrice has a talent that is compulsive to listen to and one that never reaches beyond the natural sound, a complication to which some unfortunately find themselves taking and the shot down in flames approach to easily seen coming. Not for Sarah Beatrice, a character on and off the microphone, one who is not afraid to take the risks required but also a performer with her head screwed on properly, this is where such sublime vocals and writing can take you if the words you express to yourself are heeded.

In passion there is desire after all and like fire, it is a series of elemental progression into which many are called but to so few actually attend and build upon. Some even look to ways of dismantling the fire, to take down the structure upon which the merry blaze can illuminate the sky and enrich a thought or harvest a message, to those deniers of musical meaning, thankfully Sarah Beatrice has got them pegged and serves notice that she is a woman here to stay.

Ian D. Hall