KillaFlaw, Own Way. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10


The sheer rage and articulate pounding of subtle aggression are never too far from the open wide space inhabited by KillaFlaw and their latest single Own Way.

Own Way is exactly what the musicians in the band do; the niche they have carved out is spectacular enough to warrant more than the one mandatory exclamation mark at the precision made between the beat and the storm. The beat flashes as if a thunderstorm has settled over head and the lightning strike which pulsates every few seconds is but an aperitif to the main show of Gods riding along the crest of the wave to come and the snorting, steaming nostrils of their white charges pushing along the destruction to come.

Own Way is not destructive; however it certainly pulses with the certainty of outrageous attitude, it captures the energy it brings from down upon the first beat and frames it in a gothic-punk hybrid casing that brings out the very best of the trance like state it pushes the listener into with ease and care. The rich amalgam of genres that the track employs is like watching a firework display from just the right distance to make sense of the colours and patterns that are taking hold in the vision of those too close to the bonfire and making outlines in the air that mingles with the cold November air.

There is nothing better than having the wit and wisdom to do something your own way and being proved right in both conception and delivery and for KillaFlaw, Own Way more than signifies this approach, it grasps at the point of creative law, that to be true to yourself is paramount, even if at times others may not quite get where you are at. In KillaFlaw though, the latest single really gets to that creative high very quickly and never relinquishes it for a single upbeat minute.

Absorbing, pulsating and dynamic, KillaFlaw have created something that just kicks more backsides into shape than an over-eager personal trainer.

Ian D. Hall