May’s beauty is at end
but this is not the end of the year’s story
for as she wraps the string of pearls given
to her by Jupiter’s wife
in recognition for accepting what Tiresias could never
in either guise deliver, Junius’ further accession
to the pride of womanhood is to name herself
Queen of the northern isle again.
Her sister in the South is restless and blows hard
to turn the world on its axis, the diametric twins
of Junius and December
at odds with each behind
the veiled curtain of life, pleasant in the eyes
of the public left they realise the populace discover
their naked ambitions for their hearts and minds.
Junius sees the oncoming middle age
that will see the nights of old return once more
and the death of certainties of youth,
the creak in her knees as she piously kneels
to her Gods is painful
but lest the allusion of immortality fade from scavenging eyes
for the world may turn
but Junius is not ready
to go out with abandoned hope
just yet.
Middle age spread
over her reign of thirty days
in a world that doesn’t look at her in the same
way as those with love in their hearts
glimpse to the May Queen or to the Goddess of war to come;
Junius has no suitor to speak of,
the only talk from those in prosperous villages
below her sanctum is of the returning Dark Knights
rumoured to be just over the horizon
and the pain that they can inflict with a single stroke
of their sword, Junius, feeling too old
for such excitement and the challenge
that the Dark Knights return will bring to her realm,
smiles with grace and places summer at the height
of her agenda,
to stave off the Dark Knights return with heat
ready for her sister’s war like attitude and August’s
feeling of tranquillity.
The feast is ordered, Sol will turn
but not in the way the Dark Knights expect,
the division bell from the nearest church bells
will ring out in splendour and the lines of Junius’
face will be obscured by the mask of solitude.
The Dark Knights will not be feared by her subjects,
at least not till long after her reign,
for whilst those who still look to Queen May with love
and the memory of the blossom that now lays
in the gutter, June’s suitors are non-existent,
she will not let them down though, she will
keep the shiver of the bleak to come
at bay.
She will not be remembered for her anger,
nor her outstanding beauty,
not for want of trying will Junius be lauded,
but she will be selfless,
she will use the Solstice in her favour
and have people think fondly of her.
Ian D. Hall 2015