There is a hint of madness in your eyes,
sallow, stinking of grievances mislaid;
a Kurt Cobain look but with none of the richness
or depth of consequence, a folly driven by a fool’s errand,
the unravelled strand of deserted rope decaying on the hot,
blistering jetty, no sign of a ship to save this sinking soul.
This madness, the musical abuse in which you crave
has lost its meaning
in your ears and all you hear now is the sound
of a ticking bomb, the explosion driven between the tick and the tock
as you slowly understand that you cannot have your way with me.
I will not let you take me down the same path, for mine
is a madness of reason, the knife, nor pill, nor shotgun
to the heart is as valuable to me as seeing your guts wretch
as I ignore your ever screaming pleas. Your pleas, fall on the deaf ears
of one who has ground out the canal and lets your agony
drive past, overhead, underground, through tunnels breached..,
for who truly lets the empty can whisper platitudes when they can
stamp on it, crush it slowly,
and throw it out for recycling on a wet Friday Morning, the trail of bean
juice mixing with the sound of empty, fat filled promises.
Your folly does you credit, you believe your own hype
and yet arrogance has doubled its load upon you
for that, you have my pity,
not my friendship.
Ian D. Hall 2015.