The Voice (Of Modern Disillusionment)

You’re supposed to be our saviour,

fighting things that need attention,

instead you’re killing innocent people,

Girls, men and children.


You’re giving kids asbos

for smoking their green

but you can’t say you haven’t been there,

it’s something we’ve all seen.


You disrupt our streets

with your orders and conduct.

Why aren’t the people’s voices in charge?

This so called government is corrupt!


Growing up in a local school

taught me no lies,

that the law is restricting us

from living our lives.


We need to know the mistakes,

to correct our future

but when we make mistakes we go behind bars,

but not conforming is something I’m used to.


We are judged by our committed crimes.

Cursed by the Earth,

living with our barcodes and believing lies,

we need to know what we are worth.


You let paedophiles flood our streets

and search anyone in a hoodie you meet,

But if I walked past you blazing a fat joint

You’d comment,

That’s inappropriate love“,

and I say “It’s only my mental health, mate”.


I understand what you mean,

not everyone’s into smoking green,

so why don’t you legalise it somewhere in the U.K,

where people can go, and it will be all okay.


If it’s fine for girls

to conceive on parks,

why are you disrespectful

when I’m singing my story

in local bars?


I am fair to the schools,

I understand they are trying to support.

So then why am I being made to feel

unwanted, irrelevant and short?


Bullies are over populating,

causing more and more such ideas each day.

So why aren’t you listening to me

when I tell you that I’m really not okay?


Force me to announce

the reason of my absence,

and when I tell you it’s your fault I suffer,

it seems to make no sense.


Are you stupid? Can you not understand

that all these lies you’ve crammed

into our heads are killing us more and

leaving a family of five to be a family of four!


You don’t know my story,

you only know my name!

Now you really should shush

because I’m onto your stupid games.


Once I respected you,

now it seems to have gone.

One day our generation will turn on you

leaving you small, alone and one.



Eleanor Nelly 2015.