Dinosaur Deniers.

The dinosaur presented to you this evening

has had the most awful of press.

Uncaring, even abusive towards its young,

beast like, carnivorous and rotten I stress;

A constant whimper in the Universe and one that destroyed

its home and yet was capable of inspiring us to greater thought

and to whom even now after all scientific data has been agreed upon

sees Dinosaur deniers take paleontologists  to court.


“We shouldn’t teach our young about these absurd creatures” they decry

they try to denounce the dinosaur as an evil spread by science

in which to entrap the youth and show discord to their one truth

“There was no reason for them to exist”, they rage in unison and defiance.

Well today I present to you the first fully intact skeleton,

We shall call her Sojourner and she lived several million years ago,

A race of beasts I have become quite fond of,

even if in actions, deeds and in their stunted fossil brains they stopped so low.


Now amongst you I have no doubt, there will be sceptics, ready to point

the finger at me and claim heresy and corruption of God’s sacred text,

that such beast of burden, such abominations could not exist

on our world or in the next.

But here today people of the gallery and genuine leaders of our land

Is the truth of the matter, its plain to see

that judging this skeleton with open eyes, we no longer should be deniers

of the dinosaur beast called humanity.


Ian D. Hall 2015