I squat and shiver here in a trench just yards from No-Man’s Land
In place of my brother
Who refused to fight for King
And country or for the comradeship.
He would have been proud to wear a white feather
But I got the better of his conscious and made him
Let me take his place, even though I was too young to fight.
Now I see No-Man’s Land and
Its squalor, filth and sound of death that fills my ears
As people die for a blade of grass no longer there,
For a bomb crater men will kill to hold position
And be a step closer to their unrelenting objective
Or at least one step closer to their God.
No-Man’s Land is no place for me
For my brother’s keeper, his sister
The young woman with close cropped hair
A chipper smile soured by the sound of men dying
In No-Man’s Land.
Ian D. Hall 2013