Burjesta Theatre, the team behind the excellent The Pied Piper of Liverpool, are starting up weekly workshops as from Wednesday 20th February and then every Wednesday thereafter. They take place at The Casa Bar, Hope Street, Liverpool, L1 9BQ, starting time 7pm and cost £2 in. The first one next week will be a ‘taster session’, co-run by Mikyla Durkan and Julian Bond, co-founders of Burjesta.
Over the following months they will be delving into ‘the art of storytelling’, ‘clowning’, ‘commedia dell’ arte’, ‘Greek chorus work’ and much, much, more. The workshops themselves will feed directly into planned productions, one for end of June, one for beginning of September, with only people attending workshops being considered for roles within these productions.
You don’t have to go to every workshop there, just as when you like and you don’t have to want to be in a production to come along. Just turn up with your £2, in loose fitting clothes, trainers etc (workshops will be physical in nature) and enough enthusiasm as you can muster! Non-actors most welcome.
For more information contact them on 07913449396 or info@burjesta-theatre.co.uk or check us out at www.burjesta-theatre.co.uk or on our facebook page ‘Burjesta Liverpool’.
Ian D. Hall